Wednesday, August 10, 2022

When is the best time to go to Makkah?

 Let's see what we can find out...

Here’s the post on When is the best time to go to Makkah offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Umrah and Hajj Packages 2022. You may say that the optimum season to travel to Makkah is when you and your lifestyle are most comfortable. If you’re not visiting Makkah for the Hajj pilgrimage, there’re no limits on the month or day of your visit. 

This gives you the flexibility to choose a day that matches your career, social, and familial obligations. This is a long voyage that will test your physical and financial stamina, and you'll want to take your time exploring the sacred sites to allow yourself to grow spiritually.

The Advantages of Traveling in the Winter

Because the intense heat of summer passes away for a few short months, many Makkah visitors prefer the winter months. As you'd expect from a desert terrain, the climate is dry all year. Between November and February, the weather is cooler, making performing the umrah and hajj much simpler. If you're worried about overheating, winter travel is the way to go. Because this is well after the Hajj season, hotel prices will begin to fall as the majority of pilgrims have left town.

When is the best time to visit Makkah and get the best deals?

Around the time of Hajj, prices for hotel rooms and many Makkah services are likely to rise. When large events draw hundreds of millions of people to a city at the same time, this is a typical occurrence in all major cities across the world. Makkah is no exception, therefore don't schedule your vacation too near to the Hajj dates for the current year. It can be difficult to choose your vacation dates depending on hotel room rates. 

The cheapest rates are most likely to be found during the hottest summer months or the rainiest winter months. If rain and heat are a problem, plan your vacation to Makkah between January and March. During this time, there is a much lower likelihood of heavy rain, and the temperatures are more comfortable and safer than during the hot summer months. Because the weather is great at this time, booking rooms at the best Makkah hotels may be more difficult if you don't start arranging your vacation early enough.

For many of the same reasons, November and December are excellent months to travel. During these months, the rain is less frequent and the temperatures are more pleasant. You're also passed Hajj season, which means you won't have to deal with masses of people clogging the streets and generating long queues at each of the major attractions.

Do You Take Pleasure in the Heat?

If you prefer warmer weather, plan your vacation before the Hajj season starts. You can avoid the throng while exploring the mountains and hills in the sunshine. Simply ensure that your lodgings are air-conditioned and that you consume enough water. Children, pregnant women, and those with medical issues are most vulnerable during the dry, hot season.

Another option is to speak with a knowledgeable travel agency about the best time to visit Makkah. They'll have all the information they need to match your requirements and expectations to the most suitable travel period. The sooner you contact an agent, the better because planning a successful Makkah trip takes time. You'll need to get visas and permits, pay fees, book your accommodations, decide on transportation, and plan a basic itinerary to make the most of each day.

Make Your Hajj a Rewarding, Memorable Experience with These Hajj Travel Tips


Here’s the post on Hajj Tips offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Umrah and Hajj Packages all-inclusive. Every year, millions of Muslims travel to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This is a five-day pilgrimage through the holy city of Makkah that all Muslims are obligated to undertake at least once in their lives. 

If you're making your first pilgrimage to Makkah or haven't done so in years, you must grasp the significance of your actions. There is also some important information that you should be aware of to safely finish the Hajj journey. We'll provide you with that knowledge right here, so you won't have to keep looking for insider Hajj advice.

How to Get Ready for the Hajj

Some Hajj pilgrims organize their travel and transportation arrangements and assume they are prepared for the journey, but this is not the case. This is an extremely emotional journey that necessitates physical strength as well as a thorough understanding of the rites and their meaning in the Islamic faith. This implies you should devote time to studying the Quran and understanding more about the procedures before embarking on your journey.

Many mosques and Hajj travel organizations will also provide in-depth training to prepare you for the Hajj ceremonies. These sessions are a good use of your time since they will equip you to deal with some stressful and highly emotional situations that may arise during your journey. Some extra recommendations will help you prepare for a successful Hajj while having your heart and soul in the right place:

1. Consult your doctor to ensure that you are physically capable of handling the trip's responsibilities. You should also get meningococcal meningitis and cholera immunizations, which the Saudi government requires. Due to your medical history, your doctor may recommend further immunizations.

2. Choose your travel companions carefully. You want to go into Hajj with a group of mature, devout Muslims who are committed to the pilgrimage and can provide physical and mental support as needed. Some tour companies can match you with expert advisors who can stay with you throughout the adventure and speak Arabic fluently.

3. Work with a reliable Hajj travel agency that has been approved by the Saudi government. Working with experts who are aware of the challenges of traveling to Makkah for Hajj will boost your chances of finding a safe, comfortable, and reasonably priced hotel accommodation. 

4. Inquire as much as possible about your lodgings. Some participants choose to remain in tents for a more cheap and authentic experience, while others choose to stay in hotels of various levels of quality. If you don't want to be crammed into a room with strangers, inquire if the hotel will put 10 or more people in a single room.

5. Also, inquire about where you’ll be staying. For example, how far will you be from Haram ash Shareef? If you won't be able to walk from your hotel room, make sure you have transportation before you leave. Always choose a cab rather than a bus since buses can take up to 20 hours to cover the same distance that a taxi can cover in three hours or less.

6. Begin planning as soon as feasible. Many hotels sell out a year or more ahead of time. You'll also need time to buy necessary travel supplies, pack your baggage, and arrange your family so that they are taken care of while you're gone. This isn't a trip you can plan in a matter of weeks.

Ramadan Fasting Benefits: Religious and Health Benefits

 Here is the post on Ramadan Fasting Benefits: Religious and Health Benefits offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Umrah and Hajj Packages 2022 from the UK. During the holy month of Ramadan, millions of people around the world fast from sunrise to sunset. Apart from the spiritual significance of Ramadan, however, the majority of them are unfamiliar with the concept of fasting during this month. 

It takes a lot of self-control to go without food and water for 12-14 hours every day. The ritual, according to Muslim health professionals, has numerous physiological, spiritual, psychological, and scientific benefits. It also allows people to empathize with poor and needy people all over the world.

What exactly is Ramadan?

Ramzan is the Islamic calendar's holiest month. Muslims fast, abstain from pleasures and pray during Ramadan to turn closer to God. This is also a way for families to gather and rejoice in Allah SWT's blessings. After the new moon emerges in the sky, signaling the start of a new month, Muslims begin fasting the next day. 

As a result, in many countries, Ramadan does not begin until religious leaders declare that they have seen the crescent moon personally. Well with the worldwide celebration of Eid ul Fitr, the extended fasting comes to an end.

The advantages of fasting during Ramadan

During the month of Ramadan, more than one billion Muslims around the world observe a strict ritual of moral abstinence and fasting. Fasting is a more than 1,300 years old tradition that began with the formation of Islam. The following are some of the many advantages of fasting during Ramadan:

1. Increases Taqwa

Taqwa is an Islamic term that means "awareness of Allah and the truth," as well as "piety and fear of God." The term appears frequently in the Quran, Islam's holy book. It conveys a strong sense of being wary of one's own actions in life, as the angels are always on the lookout. Fasting also improves one's ability to be mindful of Allah and avoid unintentional transgressions of His ways. As a result, people are more likely to steer clear of sins and wrongdoings.

2. Attracts larger sums of money

During Ramadan, all capable Muslims are required to fast. Fasting Muslims are said to receive high benefits and blessings from Allah. Fasting for one hour brings people one step closer to meeting Allah in the next life. However, instead of fasting for the gifts, one should concentrate on their significance and value.

3. Takes you to paradise and keeps you from going to Hell.

On the Day of Resurrection, only those who fast during Ramadan will be permitted to enter heaven through the Ar-Rayyan gate. People are advised to improve their voluntary fasts as they prepare for Ramadan by virtue. Even a single day of fasting, according to Muslim scholars, moves a person from Hellfire to Jannah.

4. Obesity and chronic disease prevention

Fasting for the entire month of Ramadan may help to prevent obesity and other chronic diseases like diabetes. Fasting during Ramadan entails abstaining from food and water between sunrise and sunset. As a result, it raises the levels of proteins that cause insulin resistance. It also guards against the negative effects of a high-fat and high-sugar diet.

5. Improved gastrointestinal system

Fasting and observing Ramadan have a positive impact on one's lifestyle and digestive system. After a month of flushing out the toxins in the body, the human body naturally detoxifies. It also maintains a healthy balance of heat production and acidity in the human stomach.

Shawwal is a Muslim holy month.

 Here’s the post on Shawwal is a Muslim holy month offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Umrah and Hajj Packages from the UK. Following the holy month of Ramadan, Shawwal is the tenth month in the Islamic calendar. It’s popular all over the world because Eid al-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of the month. 

Though the first day is a delicious meal, Muslims observe a six-day fast following Eid al-Fitr. Fasting six days after Eid al-Fitr is thought to increase the blessings of Ramadan fasting. And compensate for any unintentional deficiency that may have occurred during Ramadan fasting.

Meaning of Shawwal

The word 'Shawwal,' which is derived from the Arabic word Sawaal, which means 'raised,' is inspired by the camels who are carrying their young during this time. It also refers to breakage and uplift. Long before the advent of Islam, Arab tribes presumed that marriages held during the month of Shawwal were always doomed to fail.

Shawwal's Importance for Muslims

One of the principles of Islam is fasting during the month of Ramzan. Shawwal, on the other hand, is a particularly significant month for Muslims. Allah has bestowed the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration during this month. The event is regarded as Allah's reward for completing Ramzan successfully.

Fasting for six days during the holy month of Shawwal is extremely beneficial to Muslims. It also makes up for any deficiencies that actually happened during Ramadan fasting. With the religious significance of the Shawwal month, performing Umrah during this month is a wise decision.

Shawwal Fasting

Fasting is an essential component of Islamic culture. It assists people in disconnecting from the outside world and focusing on Allah. Fasting is rewarding in and of itself, but fasting during Shawwal has additional advantages. Fasting after Eid-ul-Fitr is thought to be equivalent to fasting all year. After Eid, Shia Muslims fast for six days, while Sunni Muslims fast for three days.

Prophet Muhammad, according to a hadith in the Sahih Muslims, said:

Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan and then fasts for six days during the month of Shawwal will have fasted for the entire year.

Benefits of fasting for 6 days during Shawwal:

•      Fasting for 6 days in a row during Shawwal equates to fasting all year.

It adjusts for the insufficiency leftover from the Ramadan fast.

Fasting after Ramadan is an indication that Allah has accepted the fasts of Ramadan and has given a person the strength to fast again in Shawwal.

Fasting during Shawwal allows a person to seek additional guidance from Allah and live a pious life after Ramadan, free of sins.

Shawwal is the month of Umrah.

The blessed month of Shawwal is when Eid ul-Fitr is observed. It's important to remember that performing Umrah in Shawwal is done in conjunction with Hajj, resulting in the Tamattu Hajj. Similarly, Umrah completed before Shawwal will not be accepted as Tamattu Umrah.

Shawwal: 5 Interesting Facts

1. In the month of Shawwal, the landmark battle of Uhud took place.

2. The War of Hunayn took place this month as well.

3. During the month of Shawwal in 1926, the Sultanate of Nejd demolished the al-Baqi cemetery.

4. Imam al-Bukhari, a well-known Islamic scholar, was born on the 13th of Shawwal, 194 AH.

5. The founder of the Ja'fari school of jurisprudence, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, was martyred this month.

The month of Shawwal is a time for celebration and dedicating oneself to Allah's service. End up making the most of it by fasting for six days and performing Umrah if possible.

When is the best time to go to Makkah?

 Let's see what we can find out... Here’s the post on When is the best time to go to Makkah offered by our travel agency with the cheap ...